S E C R E T LJUBLJANA 000337 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/NCE - SSADLE, PM/RSAT - DOWLEY OSD FOR NAJERA JOINT STAFF FOR FREEMAN COMMERCE FOR ITA - CRUSNAK E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/24/2017 TAGS: MASS MARR MCAP ECON PGOV PINR PREL SI SUBJECT: U.S. FIRMS STRUGGLE TO COMPETE AS DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS GROW CLOUDIER IN SLOVENIA REF: 06 LJUBLJANA 388 Classified By: COM Thomas B. Robertson for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) ¶ 1. (S) Summary. Nearly one year after the Slovenian Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced that Finnish defense contractor Patria won a 330 million USD (263 million Euro) contract to supply 135 8x8 armored vehicles to the GoS, the issue continues to dominate headlines amid allegations of cost overruns and non-transparency in the selection process. Opposition leaders forced a special session of Parliament in February and succeeded in gaining parliamentary authorization in March for an inquiry commission to review the purchase. The governme...